"We are created as much from the dust of eternity as we are from the dust of the earth."

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Ward Playgroup

“An Ever-Expanding Circle of Sisters”

Place: Little Rock Building, Gym
Time: 10 a.m. – Noon
When: Every second Friday (starting Nov. 11th)
Who: Everyone, whether you are married or
single, have small children or not, old or young

Please bring your laundry to fold or weekly
menu to write or Christmas cards to address or
whatever. We all have work to do. Once a
month let’s work and play together!

 Moses 7:18, Daughters in my Kingdom “influencing and Strengthening
Sisters in Wards and Branches” p.96 and “Strengthening Sisterhood
through Expressions of Charity” p.99-101 

Questions? Call Jessi Duncan

Friday, April 22, 2011

10:00am  We leave our house, half an hour after planned time of departure. Don't ask.

10:04       We arrive at Kroger's on Beechwood
                    Purchase: Plastic eggs, candy ( I manage to talk him
                                   out of Skittles and into Twix and Milky
                                   Ways, yeah better leftovers for me), bread,
                                   mayo, juice
10:27      Load up groceries and boys... well one boy. Child one has complete meltdown in parking lot screaming that he does not want to go to the Easter Egg hunt. What Easter Egg hunt? The one he has been asking about all week. The one that he asked if we could go to on Tuesday. The one he has been talking about all week. Every since I announced to him (on Monday) that we were going to an Easter party (on Friday) he has asked at every parking spot that we have pulled into all week long, "Are we here? Is this the party?" That Easter Egg hunt. Child two looks on with interest.

10:28     Tantrum is momentarily suspended while my child waves back to a kindly elderly gentleman eating lunch at a patio table outside of Kroger's who is waving at him.

10:28:15  Tantrum continues in the car

10:29      I threaten my child with things no mother who is ever talked about in General Conference by her now General Authority child would ever think of let alone say. My child is now begging to go to the hunt instead of...ummm whatever I threatened instead.

10: 33   My child begins to writhe in the carseat. I ask him (through clenched teeth) what is wrong. His response-- I need to go potty!

10:35    We stop at Kroger's on Cantrell. I unload both kids and carrying one and dragging the other we race into the bathroom.  Two year old comes out of the stall (he needs his private time, luckily he's pretty good at handling it by himself) laughing. I say, "What happened?" He says, "That funny potty splashed my face!" Yeah, no comment.

10:40    Back in the car and on the road again. The kids are arguing. Yes, my two year old and my just turned one year old can and do argue. My two year keeps telling me mean things that his baby brother (babbling happily in the backseat) is saying. Then the hitting starts.

10:49 I realize we are not going to make it without gas so we stop...at the Kroger's on Highway 10. I put in two gallons (we are already almost twenty minutes late) and we pull out.

10:53    On the road again (and again and again). More writhing in the backseat, "I need to go potty!"
We are now less than five miles from our destination. I tell him he has to wait until we get to the park so that I can have one of our friends hold the baby while I take him to the potty.

11:00   We finally arrive at the park. 4 school buses are parallel parked near the entrance and about 73,000 kids (give or take 5 or 6) aged 3-14 are swarming the playgrounds, bathrooms, and pavilions. My son takes one look and says, "I guess I don't need to go potty." I love that kid.

11:02ish   I start to get worried, no sign of our group and we are half an hour late. I don't have a phone.
We drive around peering at groups of children.

11:10   We spot a familiar van also driving around looking like kidnappers peering at children. We hookup with friends who have a phone and soon join the Easter Egg hunt fun at a new location because of the overcrowded-ness of the original location. Our only problem now? He doesn't want me to hide his eggs.

12:30 Headed home with muddy, chocolate covered, sweaty, sleepy kids

Thanks for planning it Lisa!  A fun time was had by all! But next year maybe we should consider renting a bus : ) If you'll just come by and pick up  all of our kids...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

party like a what, what?

Hi. I'd like to establish (or solidify) my nerdy-ness once and for all. I don't like the current "Rockstar" craze. Unfortunately, its hard to find even binkies (I'm not kidding on this one people) that aren't trying to be cool these days! As President Faust said, "There is a certain irony in the fact that some parents are so anxious for their children to be accepted by and be popular with their peers; yet these same parents fear that their children may be doing the things their peers are doing."  Why, tell me why, would I want my 2 year old to EVER "Party like a RockStar"? No, its not just because he's two. I don't want him to when he's twenty two or forty two (please note the use of the word EVER). Not only do I not want him to ever party like a rockstar, I also don't ever want him to BE a rock star. Think about the kids you knew in high school who were the closest to becoming real rockers in adulthood...go ahead...I really want you to actually picture them in your mind...now think of the ones who never actually grew out of it...Is that what you want your kids to live like when they're forty. And then there are the actual World famous Rock icons and legends of Guitar Hero. While I will say some rockstars are incredibly talented people (I'd say about 50 percent), most if not all are also incredibly disturbed people. I can't think of any that aren't. Let me know if you do. I mean "Future Rockstar" toddler shirts? Yes, my greatest hope is that one day my child will discover great musical talent, stop showering, sleep around, do drugs, drink heavily, get tatoo-ed and pierced, play in front of sold out crowds screaming his name and then eventually die from a drug overdose or sexually transmitted disease.

Now don't get me wrong, I like to play Rockband and Guitar Hero with my brother and sister in law. I'm actually pretty good. But may I be so absurd as to suggest that maybe this is an adult game? Maybe kids shouldn't be singing along word for word lyrics about being high and having sex. For older kids it might be a good time to point out how sad the lyrics are and how deeply troubled the minds and/or hearts are of the people they represent. Producing a beautiful piece of art does not change who they are and it does not make their lifestyle into one that they can enjoy. Many things combine to make their lives look much better than they really are while moms scrub toilets and wipe noses, but in reality many of the rich and famous are very sad and lonely people just looking for joy in all the wrong places. So I'd like to say to my kid and children everywhere, loudly even--"NO! DO NOT 'Party like a RockStar!' They are partying to forget. I want you to live a life whose memories bring you comfort and joy and peace not one whose falsehoods you need to drink or inject away." That's it I am going out to start a line of clothes and binkies and gear all emblazoned with the creed, "Party like a Mormon!"

Thursday, March 10, 2011

How do we keep our children's hearts soft and teachable?

By softening our own. Being willing to change-- the way you dress, the shows and movies you watch, the way you speak about yourself and the opposite sex, the music you listen to--will do something to your child's heart that your words cannot.

Set a Consistent Example

"Some parents may think they are keeping a safe enough distance from inappropriate entertainment, rationalizing our involvement by saying that “just a little won’t hurt” or “it only has one bad part.” Standards will deteriorate if parents subject themselves to these influences...

I recognized the challenge in this when I began listening to a radio station that plays the music I enjoyed as a teenager. There were songs I hadn’t heard for more than 20 years, yet I had total recall of the lyrics, some of which I now recognize were not always appropriate. I was always taught that if you hear the music, your mind is recording the words, but I realize only now how desensitized I was as a teenager to some of those popular lyrics. I find myself doing a lot of station-hopping because my spirit can no longer tolerate the words which come so vividly back to my mind, and I realize that if I, as a parent, want to remain credible in the eyes of my children, I cannot justify listening to or viewing the kind of entertainment that I have asked my children not to participate in.

The most powerful way for us to teach our children correct principles is by example. If we stand firm against the waves of worldly entertainment and set a consistent example of private prayer, scripture study, church and temple attendance, and meaningful service, our children will be more likely to follow our example and develop these same strengths in their own lives.

We must make our homes a holy place, not a hiding place for entertainment that will lead us away from the Spirit of the Lord."


Monday, February 28, 2011

Why didn't someone tell me that being a mom would be so glamorous? I mean really? There's pregnancy and morning sickness, there's not wanting to shower because its just too tiring to wash all of you,  there's all nighters and poopy diapers, and don't even get me started on breastfeeding! And yet who is creating more of a masterpiece with their life? In the end many who are considered "most influential" in the world will have made a few beautiful strokes on an else wise torn and dirty canvas. A hit song with masterfully written lyrics interwoven with wonderfully evocative music, one stroke. Election to the presidency, maybe two. CEO of a company, one stroke. An academy award, one stroke. Even the very accomplished, eight oscars, thirteen olympic gold medals. Eight strokes, thirteen strokes of the brush-- beautiful though they maybe-- do not a masterpiece make. And then there are mothers and fathers, aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters, grandparents, husbands and wives, children. The beauty of our interactions with them create the strokes that will be our life's work. Laughter at bedtime, teaching them to pray--to believe, service, listening until we understand, kindness, discipline. All beautiful, tiny, necessary strokes. Glamor takes money, art takes time and art takes heart.
Create a masterpiece of your life. Choose beauty. Choose depth instead of shallows. Choose light instead of darkness. Choose peace.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I feel that I should blog. Its been a while. Many, many things have been turning over and over in my mind. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Potty training. Judging based on the content of one's character. Joy. Happiness. Understanding. Peace. The scriptures speak of people whose eyes cannot see afar off. Can mine? The scriptures speak of understanding with your heart and thus becoming converted. According to these verses Christ will heal us if only we will understand. With our hearts. I want the Lord to teach my heart something that the rest of me is too wise to understand.

"The abundant life is a spiritual life. Too many sit at the banquet table of the gospel of Jesus Christ and merely nibble at the feast placed before them. They go through the motions—attending their meetings perhaps, glancing at scriptures, repeating familiar prayers—but their hearts are far away. If they are honest, they would admit to being more interested in the latest neighborhood rumors, stock market trends, and their favorite TV show than they are in the supernal wonders and sweet ministerings of the Holy Spirit.
Do you wish to partake of this living water and experience that divine well springing up within you to everlasting life?
Then be not afraid. Believe with all your hearts. Develop an unshakable faith in the Son of God. Let your hearts reach out in earnest prayer. Fill your minds with knowledge of Him. Forsake your weaknesses. Walk in holiness and harmony with the commandments."

I've really been stuck on the Bishop's comments the other night at Relief Society. What makes us happy? What keeps us from being happy?  
Is what makes you happy also what keeps you from being happy sometimes? Or does it seem that way at least?
I greatly desire the abundant life, so why don't I just sit down and eat? If my two year old would just sit down and eat with his fork and spoon and if my ten month old would stop screaming and if my husband  would stop helping little old ladies across the street so he could get home while the banquet is still warm. And what about all these dishes? Which reminds me I only made it to Kroger's and Walmart  today which means I didn't get the dishwasher detergent at Sam's Club which means I am going to have to wash all these dishes by hand! Does everyone really need a salad fork AND a dinner fork? That's it! I'm going to Wendy's! And so it goes (at least in my life). Anyone got any help out there for me? What if you really want it, but you really do have to grocery shop, clean house, change diapers, cook breakfast lunch  and dinner, do dishes, do laundry, etc. too?  Advice? Ideas?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

maybe my two year old should have a blog instead of me.

From the mouth of my two and a half year old son...

This morning my son requested, "brussel sprouts with garlic sauce," for breakfast.

This morning I stepped over the heat vent which caused my skirt to balloon out. My son who was watching asked, "What happened to your skirt?" I responded, "The heater vent is blowing it." After a few seconds watching he commented, "Oh, that makes you look like a princess."

Today my son was standing up at the table and fell over in my plate of food. Then he exclaimed, "Hey! Your plate tripped me!"

Yesterday I offered my son a sticker for his potty chart after he went potty successfully. He responded, "No thanks, I'm actually into candy."

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

just a spoon full of sugar, that is all it takes.

Just another day at the office…

Let’s say that your average work day is from 7am to 8pm. You work alone from 8 to 5. You do however have a coworker who is there from 5pm to 8pm and from 7am to about 7:50am. Not only is he quite helpful he’s quite attractive which is a bonus! Unfortunately, you are not really alone from 7:50 to 5pm. You have other co “workers”  who while being better looking than you (even in their jammies) do not follow the dress code, do not care to keep the work load distributed evenly, and have emotional problems.

For instance, my coworkers spend a lot of time whining and complaining. While this is common in any work place many employees can at least retreat to the bathroom for some much needed peace and quiet. Not so with me. Every trip to the bathroom the complaints and yes even crying get louder. My coworkers also complain about my lack of efficiency and job quality. Yesterday I diced vegetables and chicken and scrambled eggs to make homemade fried rice for lunch. Let’s compare this to a presentation one might spend hours preparing at work. I arrived and put my offering on the table for review. My coworker took one look at my presentation and crumpled out of his chair and onto the floor wailing, “I dooooooonnn’t  waaaaaaannnnnt THIS!” in disdain. Why can’t I read a story and make lunch at the same time? Why am I not capable of filling a sippie cup and changing a diaper at the same time? Can’t I look all over the house for Nana (blankie) while doing laundry/grocery shopping/bathing children/ arguing with children/beating children ummm I digress sorry anyway back to the office.  

My coworkers show public disapproval of many of my ideas…Naptime? “NOOOOOO!” Diaper change? “NOOOOOO!” Healthy snack instead of Christmas/Halloween/ Valentine’s day/ Easter candy? NOOOOOOOO!” Time to cleanup? "NOOOOOO!" One of my coworkers actually volunteered to take a nap rather than cleanup with me today. When they are not vocalizing their dislike they are generally pretending like they don’t hear me at all. After spending all day fighting tooth and nail with my coworkers to complete one project (say cleaning the toy room for instance) I am forced to point out to my favorite coworker when he arrives at 5ish that it takes a lot of work to “maintain the mess” at the level it was at when he left at 7:50 this morning. I have been working all day just to keep it from getting any messier than when he left! The dishes are stacked no higher in the sink than when he left (a little artful arranging plus a trip to Wendy’s for lunch took care of that), there aren’t anymore toys on the floor than there were this morning (only because we don’t own anymore toys to put on the floor and I staunchly resisted Sam’s efforts at Target to get me to buy him another dollar toy), and the children are just as dirty as when he left (they’ve had two baths and numerous hand and face washing). A job well done! Time for a new job? I think not. Time for a raise? Definitely!