We don't do Santa.
We aren't anti-Santa. He's cute really but we haven't taught out kids to believe in him. Don't worry, around this time of year we break out our copy of the Night Before Christmas. We talk about Santa. We just haven't taught them to believe in him. After 4 1/2 years of having children and lots of stares and gasps of horror (and sad to say a few lost friends) I have decided its time to take a different approach.
We are not teaching our kids to believe in Santa.
We are teaching our kids to understand Santa.
This year I will be teaching my children that WE are Santa. Each Sunday and whenever we can when we run errands we will bring a small wrapped gift (nail polish, an ornament, a candy cane, a dollar, a small toy). They will carry it around with them and pretend that they are Santa until they see someone who is sad or alone or in need and then give it away and say, Merry Christmas.
Saint Nicholas was a kind man who gave what little he had to those who had little hope or faith at Christmastime. We will do the same.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
For those interested, here is why we personally aren't believing in Santa (We don't think others shouldn't, that's not our business.) :
How can we teach our children to focus on a tiny baby born in poverty across the ocean two thousand years ago who will bring them inner peace and quiet joy? (I think this is a hard enough to believe story itself without throwing in eight flying reindeer and a man who slides down chimneys!) How can we help them be selfless as Christ was? How can we help them know that God sees us when we are sleeping and knows when we are awake? He knows when our heart hurts and when our soul needs relief.
Probably not by having them make a list of what they want other people to give them.
Probably not by telling them if they are not good they won't get what they asked for. And then rewarding them regardless of their behavior. We have decided to tell our children that they get gifts at Christmas because we love them and that is why they give us gifts in return because they love us. The gift of the Christ child was to the World not to those who earned it. God so loved the World... (see John 3:16-17 esp. 17)
P.S. Fyi We have talked to our kids about the fact that many people believe in Santa. We told them that it is rude and unkind to tell someone that what they believe in is not true. They have also learned this about people of other faiths. They won't be breaking it to your kids. So don't worry I'm sure it was some jaded kid at school not them : )