"We are created as much from the dust of eternity as we are from the dust of the earth."

Friday, November 12, 2010

Eat your leftovers!

I don't like leftovers!
No, I'm not talking about men, I'm talking about food. It does not matter what kind they are or how good the food was originally.
I don't want it after day one.
Why is this blog worthy, you ask. Because I'm pretty sure the eating of leftovers (or not) is a small symbol of a much bigger issue. I'm almost positive that people who willingly, wait let me change that to happily/joyfully eat leftovers get to go through the pearly gates express lane. You know the line where they don't ask you any questions, they just open the door and let you in. I think liking leftovers has some kind of large but inscrutable connection to being a humble person. My husband likes leftovers. I know people who absolutely love leftovers. I bet Mother Theresa ate leftovers all the time. So did Martin Luther King Jr., Ghandi, Moses, President Hinckley, and a host of other saintly people! Here's my problem: On the nights when I don't feel like cooking I doubly don't feel like something icky out of the fridge, I feel like P.F. Chang. See pride issue. Also the only reason I can see that I should start trying to like leftovers is because we definitely can not have Braden getting into heaven that much easier than me...see another pride issue. After reading President Monson's talk on gratitude  http://lds.org/conference/talk/display/0,5232,23-1-1298-27,00.html I decided it is time for a change of attitude. President Monson is the president and prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He knows how to be happy and he knows what we need to do to be happy. And he probably enjoys leftovers...


  1. Hee hee. I only like some leftovers . . . So what does that mean?

  2. This is why I am grateful to have a hubby who loves leftovers. I can cook every night and never have leftovers go bad. He eats them up for lunch, snacks, and dinner when I eat sandwich instead of leftovers...

    But I can see the pride thing... hmmm... maybe I should start eating more leftovers, too...

  3. Thanks for the reminder of changing out attitudes... I hate leftovers too but my husband loves them. I'm going to "love" eating leftovers too and be more grateful that we even have leftovers in our fridge.
