Why I think you should see "Meet the Mormons"
I have seen Meet the Mormons (http://meetthemormons.com/#/filter-all/page-1) twice now and I've got to highly recommend you see it, too. Why you ask...not because I want you to join my church...okay I do want you to join my church but this movie will not get you to join my church. I think people should see it because it is a celebration of the prosaic.
Go ahead look up the word prosaic
I'll wait
Okay isn't it a beautiful word for such an ordinary thing?
Ha now you've really gone to Google it.
Prosaic- ordinary; everyday; commonplace; routine
I saw Meet the Mormons twice not because it was so awesome the first time (honestly, the first time I was somewhere between mehm and like) because after my husband and I saw it some kids from our congregation decided to go so we took our sons with them. The second time as my 2 year old danced in the aisles to the music from Nepal I saw something I hadn't seen before. That this is our life story. The first time a saw a glazed over version of what it is to be a mormon. The second time I saw the differences that make all people beautiful. There is so much significance in what we do every single day because the prosaic actually = life.
Mormons are christians, but as in every religion we have things that set us apart from the church next door. These things aren't even unusual in the grand scheme of religious practices and rituals but some people shy away from differences. Guess what? Orthodox Jews observe Shabbat and wear tzitzit and kippah. Many catholics observe many holy days and have beautiful ritualistic services with deep symbolic meaning. Muslims wash before praying. There are differences everywhere and it is up to us whether we decide to see these differences as weird or beautiful.
Meet the Mormons touched me because in a world full of movies with shock value that no one on the planet can relate to (enjoy but not relate to) it is a movie that is moving and profound and could star me or you. Did you know your story is worth a movie?! It is and it is beautiful because it's yours! Give me these people over some rock star anyday!
The dang song at the end of the movie has been stuck in my head (and I am not a David Archuleta fan) but the truth in it touched me and as I have folded laundry and dropped off kids and worked and played and taught and prayed it has played in my mind and I feel like I am figuring out my part. Isn't that what we are all trying to do no matter what we believe?
Here's the link to the song
Here's the lyrics (I'm a lyrics person which is why I love Ben Harper and generally not David Archuleta :)
There are times when
You might feel aimless
You can't see the places
Where you belong
But you will find that
There is a purpose
It's been there
Within you all along
And when you're near it
You can almost hear it
It's like a symphony
Just keep listening
And pretty soon you'll start
To figure out your part
Everyone plays a piece
And there are melodies
In each one of us
Oh! It's glorious
And you will know how
To let it ring out
As you discover
Who you are
Others around you
Will start to wake up
To the sounds that are
In their hearts
It's so amazing
What we're all creating
It's like a symphony
Just keep listening
And pretty soon you'll start
To figure out your part
Everyone plays a piece
And there are melodies
In each one of us
Oh! It's glorious
Yes, that song is stuck in my head too. And of course my kids love it (they are David Archie fans). It was such a beautiful movie. A reminder of the good in the world and the good that needs to be done still--by all of us.