So I've had this idea for a while for a Food Network show of which I would be the star. The show would be called cooking in real time. It would air once a week and would show me attempting to prepare a meal in 30 minutes without all the prep work done and with my kids running around. Some episodes would end with a call to my husband to pick up a pizza on his way. I would list the ingredients needed on my website so that others could be ready and attempt to cook along with me. It would be the ultimate interactive cooking experience. It would also be perfect for all those people who LOVE to troll Food Network chefs sites and complain about how they tried to make the recipe (even though they only had half the ingredients and used idiotic substitutions) and it didn't work and they (the chef) should die a slow and painful death after other unsavory experiences for sharing this recipe
That is all.
I would watch that. Also I would guest star because my kids like to wander under my feet and compalin that I cook too slow and that dinner smells disgusting, that's daytime drama at it's finest people!